Sunday, August 15, 2010


Well, here it is Sunday afternoon. The weekend is wrapping up. The weather here lately has been no less than miserable. Temps have been in the 90's for the last month and we have had and I shit you not, less than an inch of rain in that time. Everything is dead. The grass is pretty much burned. It would be none existent if I had not violated the townships 'watering ban'. The section behind my fence, the one that is free of dog urine, looks okay. Our plants are suffering. It hasn't been good.
Yesterday I took advantage of the cooler temps (only around 83) and went down to the Englishtown Auction. It is a massive outdoor flea market. You never know what you'll find there. Everything from coins, baseball cards, replica sports jerseys to fresh veggies and fruit brought in that morning form local farms. Not to mention the people. Lordy talk about people watching. If this is something you enjoy, the market is for you. People in all sizes colors and states of dress. It makes for an interesting walk.

I try to go a few times a year. I usually don't buy anything but you never know what you'll see. I did get some nice tomatoes and some peaches for Mags.
Mags was down and out yesterday so she didn't venture out. Today she got up early and made some raspberry muffins and brownies and she felt good enough for a trip to our local Wal-Mart. We may be buying me a laptop soon as my trusty Dell is sadly on it's last leg. This has been such a good computer but I have had it almost 7 years and never had a problem with it. I'll keep it because there is still a lot of stuff on it we will use and the new computers all have Windows7 and the programs I have won't work on Windows7. So we browsed at Wal-Mart and nothing really thrilled me.
CrazyDog got grrrroomed yesterday. Thank you Jaime for making the dog look less like a lunatic who just spent three years in the jungle living off berries and squirrels and more like the little heart-breaker he really is. I'm telling you, wherever I go with this dog he gets all kinds of compliments. Two words. Chick.Magnet. Woof.

Tonight I'll be making a chicken marsala dish. Mags has already whipped up a salad and if I were a betting man, I'd say she was having a catnap in the chair downstairs. Me, I'm just sitting writing this listening to some tunes on my computer.
And, are you ready? It is raining. Yes. Just a sprinkle but I'm hoping the skies open and it pours. The temps have actually dropped and it could almost be a fall day.

So that's it. Exciting right?

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